Programming and Algorithms: Week 5


What are we doing this week?

This week we are going to look at how to use an ARRAY to represent STACKS, QUEUES, and CIRCULAR QUEUES.
Moving onto the Python side of things we will look at implementations of STACKS, QUEUES, and CIRCULAR QUEUES.
PseudoCode Python Python Logo

Powerpoint: Stacks (as Arrays)

Powerpoint: Queues (as Arrays)

Powerpoint: Circular Queues (as Arrays)

Powerpoint: Stacks and Queues  (as  Arrays)
Total running time of videos is 55 minutes.

Python: Queues

Python: Stacks

The Learning Point: Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists
Very long link here

Pym Book: Data Structures

Data Science Tools and Techniques: Implementing a stack and a queue in Python

Online Interpreter:
Python Intrepreter
Sample Code:
 Stacks as Arrays * Queues as Arrays * Circular Queues as Arrays

Lab #5
Lab #5 is all about checking if you can add a menu onto the code for STACKS, QUEUES and CIRCULAR QUEUES.


If you have any suggestions, corrections, or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at: