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Research Methods and Proposal Writing

2011-2012: Semester 2



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Course Notes




Hey everyone,

Just a quick note on your portfolio, the only things you really have to have in your portfolio are the things listed below in the "In your Portfolio" column, that said, I would like it if you wanted to include exercises we do in class, notes from the class, or assignments you do elsewhere where you use techniques learned in this class, or interesting articles or papers you read about the topics, but it's up to you.

The portfolio is collected on the second last week, and it is the key examinable item for the class, so I won't be able to return them back to you, so please take copies of stuff you want to keep.



Dataset Lists

Week #
In your portfolio

Write a page on "What is Knowlege Management?" or "What is Assistive Technology?" or "What is Information Systems?" or What is Data Analytics?

Create a coverpage for your portfolio


Scientific Method

Read this paper and review using this checksheet


Do stuff to get a project idea (or a few different project ideas):

*email lecturers or researchers

*review the modules you've done so far

*Google your discipline name with the word "trends"


Do stuff to get a project idea (or a few different project ideas):

*email lecturers or researchers

*review the modules you've done so far

*Google your discipline name with the word "trends"


Do stuff to get a project idea (or a few different project ideas):

*email lecturers or researchers

*review the modules you've done so far

*Google your discipline name with the word "trends"

Project Idea due

For next week, hand me up a one-pager, with your name, your student number and a few lines about your project idea. If you want to include a MindMap, great.

Work on your abstract

Abstract in Portfolio

Work on your Aim and Objectives.

For some of the Easter look at the Project Background, what do you already have written about your discipline, what are 5 papers close to your research topic.


Project Aims and Objectives in portfolio

Work on Project Description


Project Description in Portfolio


Technical and Non-Technical Resources in Portfolio

Portfolio Due (without Proposal)

First Draft Proposal Due