Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning principles


On completion of the module, participants:

  • will have an appreciation of the rationale for Universal Design for Learning
  • will be able to describe the CAST model of UDL
  • will be able to compare and contrast models of UDL
  • will be familiar with some of the tools that can be used to develop UDL content
  • will be able to evaluate UDL content

.General Information

Some good advice for your career as a student

Module Specification

To Lecturers: If there is any slides or other content useful to you on this topic, or any of my other modules, feel free to download and alter as you wish, you have my permission and blessing.



Week 1
Introduction to Universal Design
for Learning.
universal design for learning motivation
Week 2
Universal Design
for Learning in Detail
universal design for learning in detail
Week 3
Universal Design
for Learning Models
universal design for learning models
Week 4
Universal Design
for Learning Tools
universal design for learning tools
Week 5
Universal Design
for Learning Evaluaiton
universal design for learning evaluation

UDL Toolkit


please note that all comments, suggestions and corrections are most welcome, either by e-mail, or anonymously.
