Programming and Algorithms: Week 12


Exams and Revision

What are we doing this week?

This week we are going to look back on everything we have learned so far both on the PSEUDOCODE side of things and on the PYTHON side of things.
PseudoCode Python Python Logo

Powerpoint: Review of PseudoCode

Powerpoint: Lessons Learned

Powerpoint: Exam Revision

Document: Sample Exam Paper

Powerpoint: Review of Python
Total running time of videos is 0 minutes.

Sample Code:
 *HelloWorldProgram * AddingNumbers * RegularDivision * IntegerDivision * DivisionRemainder * VariablePrint * StringVariablePrint * PrintMessage * ConvertFromCelsiusToFahrenheit * SimpleIfStatement * AnotherSimpleIfStatement * AnotherSimpleIfStatementPrints * AnotherSimpleIfStatementPrintsShorter * IsOddOrEven * BiggerOfThree * BiggerOfThreeElif * MultiChoiceQuestion * GetGrade * Print1To5 * Sum1To5 * Factorial * Print1To5For * Prime Checker * Fibonacci


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