Damian Gordon



Doing Your Project

Dealing with Your Supervisor

[ ] Agree to a fixed time regularly to meet with your supervisor

[ ] e-Mail your supervisor if you can’t make it to a meeting

[ ] Be positive with your supervisor and create a constructive environment

[ ] Use your supervisor as a resource, to get guidance and  to discuss issues

[ ] Let your supervisor know if you feel you are falling behind

[ ] Agree on SMART objectives with your supervisor

[ ] Devise a Schedule with your supervisor for the project

[ ] Use the 
Meeting Log to agree activites for the next meeting

[ ] Use the
To Do List to key a list of the overall goals to be completed

[ ] Use the checksheets to review chapters and artifacts

[ ] Keep a record of your meetings

[ ] Don't ask your supervisor to do your project for you, or solve problems for your project

Research Folder and Blog

[ ] Get a folder (or use an on-line tool like OneNote) to collect all of your work in one place, include in it:
  • A copy of your proposal
  • Any ideas you have about your project (draw lots of mindmaps)
  • Paper prototypes
  • UML Diagrams (if applicable)
  • Keywords
  • Papers you find that are similar to your own project
  • To Do list of things left to do
  • URLs of websites you use

[ ] Keep a blog also, particularly for the coding stage of your project (if applicable)

[ ] Make backups of your software regularly, consider using GitHub (if applicable)

[ ] Make backups of your write-up regularly, consider using Google Drive or DropBox

Project Ideas

Project Ideas for MSc Students

Project Ideas for BSc Students